Self-Paced Training Modules

The Statewide Training unit is committed to supporting successful employee learning experiences through the delivery of relevant training in the most effective and efficient methods for conveying critical job knowledge and skills.

As we continue to broaden our development and delivery of training, we actively encourage you to let us know how we are doing. Your participation and feedback help us determine which statewide training needs are most critical, so we can plan accordingly. To offer your comment or feedback please contact us at

Please Note:  To learn more about any of the self-paced training modules, please click on the course topic below. For the full experience, please maximize your browser window and enable pop-ups.  Chrome and Edge are recommended browsers for viewing these modules.

Affordable Care Act (ACA)

Basic Prerequisites

California Automated Travel Expense Reimbursement System (CalATERS)

California Leave Accounting System (CLAS)

Employee Action Request (EAR) Form STD. 686/W-4

Employment History Overview

Fundamentals of Payroll

Fundamentals of Personnel


Lump Sum Separation Process

Management Information Retrieval System (MIRS)

Non-Industrial Disability Insurance (NDI)

Paycheck Tutorial

Personnel Action Request (PAR) Documentation


Salary Determinations

State Disability Insurance (SDI)


Workers’ Compensation