Unclaimed Property
Check now to see if you have any lost or forgotten unclaimed property.
Government Transparency Databases
Track spending and accounting of taxpayer dollars at the state and local level.
Property Tax Postponement
The Property Tax Postponement (PTP) program is available for eligible homeowners. Learn more about PTP program requirements.
Probate Referee
The California State Controller's Office appoints probate referees to perform reliable and low-cost appraisal of all types of estate assets. Learn more about probate referees.
Language Access
The California State Controller's Office is fully committed to ensuring all persons accessing its services are provided these services in an appropriate and timely manner. Learn more.
Tax Information
Information on California personal income tax revenues, estate tax, gasoline tax and more.
Public Auctions
Find out more about tax-defaulted land sales up for public auction in your county along with bidder information.