Active Program Assignments - School Districts

Fiscal Analyst
Agency Fee Arrangements  269 893/00 Helmholst Zinser-Watkins 916-324-7876
AIDS Instruction and AIDS Prevention Instruction 250 818/91 Tin Bui 916-323-8137
Annual Parent Notification / Schoolsite Discipline Rules / Alternative Schools (Consolidation) 272 36/77 Linda Waty 916-229-8037
Cal Grant: Opt-Out Notice and Grade Point Average Submission 370 679/14 Linda Waty 916-229-8037
California Assessment of Student Performance and Progress (CAASPP) 369 489/13 Linda Waty 916-229-8037
California State Teachers' Retirement System (CalSTRS) Service Credit 286 603/94 Helmholst Zinser-Watkins 916-324-7876
Caregiver Affidavits to Establish Residence for School Attendance 172 98/94 Tin Bui 916-323-8137
Charter Schools, Charters Schools II, and Charter Schools III 278 781/92    
Charter Schools IV 337 1058/02    
Child Abuse and Neglect Reporting 309 640/87 Tiffany Hoang 916-323-1127
Collective Bargaining and Collective Bargaining Agreement Disclosure 11 961/75 Lucas Leung 916-720-3009
Comprehensive School Safety Plans I and II 313 736/97 Angelo Joseph 916-323-0698
Consolidated Suspensions, Expulsions, and Expulsion Appeals 330 972/95 Angelo Joseph 916-323-0698
County Office of Education Fiscal Accountability Reporting 209 917/87 Helmholst Zinser-Watkins 916-324-7876
Criminal Background Checks I 183 588/97    
Criminal Background Checks II 251 594/98    
Developer Fees 333 955/77 Tiffany Hoang 916-323-1127
Differential Pay and Reemployment 253 30/98 Tiffany Hoang 916-323-1127
Expulsion of Pupils: Transcript Cost for Appeals (SMAS) 91 1253/75 Tiffany Hoang 916-323-1127
Financial and Compliance Audits 192 36/77 Angelo Joseph 916-323-0698
Graduation Requirements 297 498/83 Lucas Leung 916-720-3009
Habitual Truants 166 1184/75 Steve Purser 916-324-5729
Immunization Records (SMAS) 32 1176/77 Tin Bui 916-323-8137
Immunization Records - Mumps, Rubella, and Hepatitis B 368 325/78 Steve Purser 916-324-5729
Immunization Records - Pertussis 357 434/10 Angelo Joseph 916-323-0698
Interdistrict Attendance Permits 148 172/86 Steve Purser 916-324-5729
Intradistrict Attendance 153 161/93 Angelo Joseph 916-323-0698
Juvenile Court Notices II 155 1423/84 Linda Waty 916-229-8037
Law Enforcement Agency Notifications (LEAN) and Missing Children Reports (MCR) (Consolidation) 276 1117/89 Tin Bui 916-323-8137
Notification of Truancy 48 498/83 Steve Purser 916-324-5729
Notification to Teachers: Pupils Subject to Suspension or Expulsion and Pupil Discipline Records,
Notification to Teachers: Pupils Subject to Suspension or Expulsion II (Consolidation)
292 1306/89 Angelo Joseph 916-323-0698
Parental Involvement Programs 350 1400/90 Linda Waty 916-229-8037
Physical Performance Tests 173 975/95 Steve Purser 916-324-5729
Prevailing Wage Rate 304 1249/78 Steve Purser 916-324-5729
Public Contracts (K-14) 335 1073/85 Tiffany Hoang 916-323-1127
Public School Restrooms: Feminine Hygiene Products 374 687/17 Tiffany Hoang 916-323-1127
Pupil Health Screenings 261 1208/76 Steve Purser 916-324-5729
Pupil Promotion and Retention 244 100/81    
Pupil Safety Notices 280 498/83 Linda Waty 916-229-8037
Race to the Top 362 2/10, 3/10 Lucas Leung 916-720-3009
School Accountability Report Cards 171 530/07 Tiffany Hoang 916-323-1127
School District Fiscal Accountability Reporting and Employee Benefits Disclosure (Consolidation) 258 100/81 Tiffany Hoang 916-323-1127
School District Reorganization 228 1192/80 Linda Waty 916-229-8037
Student Records 308 593/89 Tin Bui 916-323-8137
Teacher Incentive Program 252 331/98 Tin Bui 916-323-8137
The Stull Act 260 498/83 Linda Waty 916-229-8037
Threats Against Peace Officers 162 1249/92 Helmholst Zinser-Watkins 916-324-7876
Training for School Employee Mandated Reporters 367 797/14 Linda Waty 916-229-8037
Uniform Complaint Procedures (K-12) 346 1117/82    
Williams Case Implementation I, II, and III 351 900/04