Accounting, Accounting forms and information provided to California state department accounting offices.
California Leave Accounting System, News / updates, references, training and contacts for the California Leave Accounting System.
Budgetary / Legal Basis Reporting, Budgetary / Legal Basis reports submitted annually to the Governor's Office.
Management Information Retrieval System (MIRS), MIRS Reporting System used by California state department human resources staff.
Employment Verification, Employment verification information for organizations such as mortgage companies or rental agencies.
CalATERS Global, Submit a travel claim through the state employees' online California Automated Travel Expense Reimbursement System.
California State Payroll System Project, Project Information on the California State Controller's Office CSPS project.
Electronic Fiscal Input Transaction System (eFITS), Information on how the eFITS system transfers data to the California State Controller's Office Fiscal System
Personnel Action Manual (PAM), Procedures and forms used by the California State Controller's Office Employment History System.
Cal Employee Connect, Self-service portal available to all active Civil Service and California State University employees.