October 30, 2024

Presentation - Transaction Supervisors’ Forum – October 2024

Action Required by Department: Share the following information with all human resources Transaction Supervisors and Managers.

Description: The October 2024 Transaction Supervisors’ Forum presentation is now available on the State Controller’s Office (SCO) website. To access previous forum presentations, visit the Transaction Supervisors’ Forum webpage.

Population Affected: All HR Offices

Lump Sum Webinar Training Course – Enroll Now!

Description: The Personnel and Payroll Services Division (PPSD), Statewide Training Program has course availability for the following classes and dates:  

Course Number Course Name Session Dates #Vacancies
PPSD031 Lump Sum Webinar 11/8 50
PPSD031 Lump Sum Webinar 11/15 50
PPSD031 Lump Sum Webinar 12/6 50
PPSD031 Lump Sum Webinar 12/13 50

The 2.5-hour webinar will aid Statewide Personnel Specialists on the steps to prepare Lump Sum separations and avoid common errors. Webinar videos and State Controller's Office (SCO) staff will guide participants on what to do, and where to find tools and resources. Additionally, participants will have access to SCO subject matter experts to help answer in-depth questions related to specific processes pertaining to lump sum deferral. 

To maximize your knowledge and overall learning experience of the Lump Sum separation process within this webinar, it is recommended that you have a minimum of four (4) months of personnel/payroll experience and have successfully completed the Fundamentals of Personnel and Personnel Action Request (PAR) Documentation courses prior to enrollment. Depending on where you are in your personnel/payroll and managerial career experience, this webinar will get you acquainted with the complete overview of processing Lump Sum for retiring and separating employees. 

Training Coordinators can enroll employees in courses by utilizing the Statewide Training Events and Registration Page.  

Visit our eLearning page for additional learning opportunities.  

Please contact PPSDTraining@sco.ca.gov if you have any questions or feedback.   

Population Affected: All HR Transaction Units