October 25, 2022

UPDATE: CSPMTS File Missing Data in Management Information Retrieval System (MIRS)

Action Required by Department:  Execute reports using the CSPMTS File in MIRS as normal. Additionally, please replace any CSPMTS File reports that have been executed since Saturday, October 22, 2022.

Date Incident Identified:  10/24/2022

Description:  The CSPMTS File in MIRS was missing payment and deduction data for the October 2022 pay period. The file has been updated and now includes all payments and deductions for the past 24 pay periods, including the October 2022 pay period. 

Population Affected: Human Resource staff responsible for executing MIRS reports.

Status:      Closed

Date Incident Resolved: 10/25/2022


SCO Key Initiatives:  
