October 12, 2022

2022 Lump Sum Separation Toolkit

Action Required by Department: Share the following information with all departmental human resources (HR) office employees.

Description: The State Controller's Office (SCO), Personnel and Payroll Services Division is excited to share the 2022 Lump Sum Separation Toolkit.  This toolkit was created to provide additional support to departmental HR offices around the Lump Sum Separation peak workload. Following the information provided in the toolkit will help ensure that lump sum separation Payroll Action Request (PAR) packages are accurately processed and meet the state-mandated requirements. See details below:

  • Separation Checklist for Personnel Specialists:  A checklist of steps to take for documenting and processing an employee separation. The checklist is based on SCO separation requirements. Use the checklist to complement department-specific separation processes.
  •  Coversheet for a Lump Sum Separation PAR Package:  This new coversheet is now a fillable PDF form. It is a required part of the lump sum separation PAR package.
  • Lump Sum Separation FAQ:  Addresses many questions and concerns received by SCO, and it has been updated for the 2022 peak season.
  • A Guide for Avoiding Common Errors: Lump Sum Documentation and Processing:  This guide covers steps for avoiding common errors when preparing lump sum separations. Using it will help decrease the time it takes to document and process a lump sum separation, in part by targeting those common errors and increasing the accuracy of what is submitted to SCO. Because it is limited in scope, it should be used along with the relevant manuals and training documents.
  •  Talking Points and Activities for a Lump Sum Peak Workload Kickoff Meeting:  A tool for departmental HR offices to aid in planning a kickoff meeting for staff in preparation for the lump sum peak workload season.
  • Lump Sum Worksheet:  Assists with determining an employee’s leave accrual days and hours to enter into PAR Items 620 and 625.
  • Lump Sum Pre-Tax Calculator:  Assists with documenting and processing separation PARs with pre-taxed Savings Plus contributions. The pre-tax calculator is used to project an employee’s leave accrual across pay periods, while taking into account important deductions such as Social Security, Medicare, and the projection buffer.
  • Lump Sum Separation Process eLearning Series: This eLearning covers detailed steps for documenting and processing lump sum separations. Over eight easy-to-follow modules, the personnel specialist will learn the lump sum separation process. Modules 3 and 4 support the use of the Lump Sum Worksheet and Lump Sum Pre-Tax Calculator. The eLearning should be used along with the relevant manuals and classroom training documents, and is intended as a refresher course.


SCO Key Initiatives:

  • Cal Employee Connect Project
  • California State Payroll System Project


  • HR
  • State Employees