May 27, 2021

Final Follow-up to May 2021 Pay Period - R01 Retirement System Transaction for Civil Service and California State University (CSU) Employees

Action Required by Department/Campus:  Share the following information with all human resources (HR) and accounting office employees.

Description:  This broadcast email serves as the final communication on this subject.  On April 30, 2021, the State Controller's Office (SCO) processed a mass update to apply a R01 transaction for Civil Service and CSU employees. This R01 transaction was used to assign a CalPERS Retirement Designation in Employment History on more than 286,000 records. On May 21, 2021, during monthly payroll validation, it was discovered that the R01 Transaction Code used to update employee records inadvertently carried forward Personnel Action Request (PAR) item 606, Time To Be Paid. This resulted in the inaccurate issuance of payroll for a select population of Civil Service and CSU employees. 

On May 21, May 24, May 25, and May 26, 2021, SCO released communication to all department and campus HR offices providing status and next steps.  As of this communication, SCO has resolved this matter.  Impacted employees could receive more than one payment for the May 2021 pay period.  Adjustments to regular pay will have a June 1, 2021, issue date and taxes will aggregate.  If a department or campus identifies inaccuracies related to this subject, they are to contact the Statewide Customer Contact Center at (916) 372-7200.  

Previous Communications on this Subject:

April 29, 2021, Personnel Letter #21-009: Employment History Mass Update – CalPERS PEPRA Account Codes and CalPERS Enrollment Level Indicator 

April 29, 2021, Payroll Letter #21-004: Implementation of Maximum Compensation Limits For CalPERS Members

May 21, 2021, Broadcast Email - May 2021 Pay Period - R01 Retirement System Transaction for Civil Service and California State University (CSU) Employees

May 24, 2021, Broadcast Email – Follow-up to May 2021 Pay Period - R01 Retirement System Transaction for Civil Service and California State University (CSU) Employees

May 25, 2021, Broadcast Email – Second Follow-up to Follow-up to May 2021 Pay Period - R01 Retirement System Transaction for Civil Service and California State University (CSU) Employees 

May 26, 2021, Broadcast Email – Third Follow-up to Follow-up to May 2021 Pay Period - R01 Retirement System Transaction for Civil Service and California State University (CSU) Employees 


Statewide Customer Contact Center (916) 372-7200  

HR Suggestions Email  (All HR Staff)  

CS Escalation Email (HR Supervisors and Managers) 

Cal Employee Connect Email 

Cal Employee Connect Feedback Email 

SCO Key Initiatives:  

Cal Employee Connect Project

California State Payroll System Project

Extended Keying – June 2021

Action Required by Department: Share the following information with all human resources (HR) office employees. 

Description: The State Controller's Office (SCO) is extending the keying hours for June 2021. This is in response to the COVID-19  emergency, which may have resulted in workforce changes in departments. Please view the Extended Keying Calendar for the most up to date information. 

Population Affected:  All HR Offices 


Statewide Customer Contact Center (916) 372-7200

HR Suggestions Email (All HR Staff)

CS Escalation Email (HR Supervisors and Managers)

Cal Employee Connect Email

Cal Employee Connect Feedback Email 

SCO Key Initiatives:  

Cal Employee Connect Project 

California State Payroll System Project 

Payroll Warrant Reminders

Action Required by Department: Share the following information with all departmental human resources (HR) and accounting office employees.  

Description: See Payroll Warrant Reminders below:  

Payroll Warrants that are mailed should not be folded. Please place them in an envelope that is large enough to accommodate the warrant size.   

Departments should not release Payroll Warrants to employees early. Please refer to the CalHR Human Resources Manual, Timely Payment of Wages - Section 1703 and the State Administrative Manual (SAM) - Section 8580.2 for specific guidelines.  

Please do not release the June 2021 Payroll Warrants until May 28, 2021, as instructed by your Departmental Accounting Office.  

Encourage all employees to sign up for Direct Deposit. To assist departments in this effort, the Personnel and Payroll Services Division has created a Direct Deposit Communication Toolkit.  

When mailing Payroll Warrants, include a Direct Deposit Enrollment Authorization (STD.699) in the envelope to encourage enrollment.  

The approved retention schedule for personnel and payroll services requires retention of earnings statements (CD39As) for two months. With the implementation of Cal Employee Connect and suspension of direct deposit advice (DDA) printing by SCO, departments are encouraged to review their internal retention policies and appropriately handle or dispose of undelivered DDAs, as necessary. Please refer to the State Administrative Manual, Section 1615 and the Records Retention Handbook for more information.  

Population Affected: All HR Offices and Accounting Offices   


Statewide Customer Contact Center (916) 372-7200  

HR Suggestions Email (All HR Staff) 

CS Escalation Email (HR Supervisors and Managers) 

Cal Employee Connect Email 

Cal Employee Connect Feedback Email   

SCO Key Initiatives:   

Cal Employee Connect Project  

California State Payroll System Project 

Leave Accounting Letter #21-005: CLAS FUNDING FOR 2021-2022 FISCAL YEAR

Leave Accounting Letter #21-005: CLAS FUNDING FOR 2021-2022 FISCAL YEAR has been published on the State Controller's Office (SCO) website located at:  You can go directly to this letter by clicking on the following address:

Please direct your questions to the appropriate contact(s) listed in the Leave Accounting Letter. 

For your information, the State Human Resources Departments link on the SCO website offers various personnel/payroll related tools and resources. This information is located at: