May 11, 2021

Keying Guide: R01C Employment History Transaction

Action Required by Department: Share the following information with all departmental human resources (HR) employees. 

Description: Per Personnel Letter 21-009 a Retirement System transaction (or R01) was posted via mass update effective May 1, 2021. This update may have caused employment history (PIMS HIST) to be out-of-sequence. Departments are only able to key corrected R01 (R01C) as part of the out-of-sequence transaction. For instructions on how to key the R01C refer to Personnel Action Manual (PAM) Section 10.22.  The retirement code should NOT be changed. If an account code needs to be changed, please contact the Statewide Customer Contact Center at (916) 372-7200 for assistance. 

Please follow the instructions and keying sample provided in they Keying Guide: R01C Employment History Transaction.  

Population Affected: All HR Offices  


Statewide Customer Contact Center (916) 372-7200  

HR Suggestions Email (All HR Staff) 

CS Escalation Email (HR Supervisors and Managers) 

Cal Employee Connect Email 

Cal Employee Connect Feedback Email   

SCO Key Initiatives: 

Cal Employee Connect 

CalATERS Replacement Project 

California State Payroll System Project