June 24, 2021
Redesigned State Human Resources Webpage!
Action Required by Department: Share the following information with all departmental human resources (HR) office employees.
Description: The Personnel and Payroll Services Division (PPSD) is excited to announce that we have redesigned the State Controller’s Office’s (SCO) State Human Resources (HR) webpage to create a better user experience for our customers. The State HR webpage serves as a resource for all State HR employees. On this website you will find toolkits, Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ), weekly processes dates and more. Please see below a list of the new categories:
What’s New: The latest information from PPSD.
Directory: PPSD contact information.
Library: Toolkits and FAQ (and Answers)
Calendars: Decentralized Payroll and Extended Keying Calendars
Direct Deposit Program: Direct Deposit is responsible for processing Direct Deposit Enrollment Authorization forms (STD. 699) to establish, change, or cancel a direct deposit. Upon an agency/campus request, our Direct Deposit can do a Stop Payment (Strip) or Reversal.
Payroll Administration: Statewide Civil Service Personnel and Payroll Programs issue and adjust a variety of payments for State Civil Service/Exempt payrolls including: processing garnishments, lump sum deferral, implementing the terms of legal agreements between departments and employees resulting from a personnel action, and responding to inquiries via Payroll Liaisons.
Benefits Administration: The Statewide Civil Service Benefits program audits and processes a variety of benefit deduction documents. Including the enrollment and /or change to coverage for, Dental, Vision, Flex. In addition process, Family Medical Leave Act (FMLA), Health error messages received from CalPERS, leave audits, employment history error messages, applying specific deductions to payrolls, adjusting deduction information, setting up accounts receivables, and responding to benefit inquiries escalated from State departments.
Statewide Tax Support Program: The Statewide Tax Support Section's primary program responsibility encompasses "employer" based payroll tax remittance and the reporting of over $4 billion in annual tax payments along with voluntary compliance activities tied to employment tax programs such as Fringe Benefits and Employee Business Expenses.
Personnel Administration: Statewide Civil Service Audits program processes Stipulations, Statutory Employees, Lump Sum PARS.
Statewide Civil Service Disability Program: Statewide Disability Programs is responsible for auditing and processing disability payroll transactions associated with the Uniform State Payroll System for State Civil Service, Statutory, and California State Universities.
Organizational Management (Position Control): Position Control information is maintained within the Payroll System. The Position Control program maintains the Established Position Roster file and a payroll header file recording all changes to payroll headers. The position file is updated twice weekly and the header file is updated before each daily payroll cycle.
Statewide Civil Service Retirement Program: Statewide Civil Service Retirement program consists of two diverse programs: Retirement, and the CalPERS Payroll Reporting Team (CPR). The Retirement Reconciliation program resolves retirement discrepancies to ensure accurate and timely retirement reporting for Civil Service and CSU Employees.
Chancellor’s Office, California State University (CSU) Programs: The California State University Programs are responsible for ensuring that CSU employee pay is correct and it matches the employee's employment history record. In addition, the program maintain the employment history records of all CSU employees and make changes to CSU employee benefits.
Statewide Training Program: The Statewide Training program provides training and support to approximately 6,000 decentralized HR employees statewide. We support PPSD's critical functions by providing internal and external staff with training and references needed to accurately enter data and process transactions in the payroll system (USPS).
Resources: Additional resources for HR employees such as links to SCO’s Business Partner websites.
HR Staff Forums: Monthly HR staff forums which include the Transaction Supervisors’ and Ad Hoc Committee on Human Resources User Group Forums (UGF). You can find UGF Meeting Notes from both forums on this webpage.
If you have questions or are unable to find information, please email PPSDHRSuggestions@sco.ca.gov.
Population Affected: All HR Offices and Accounting Offices
Statewide Customer Contact Center (916) 372-7200
HR Suggestions Email (All HR Staff) PPSDHRSuggestions@sco.ca.gov
CS Escalation Email (HR Supervisors and Managers) PPSDOps@sco.ca.gov
Cal Employee Connect Email connecthelp@sco.ca.gov
Cal Employee Connect Feedback Email connectfeedback@sco.ca.gov
SCO Key Initiatives:
Cal Employee Connect Project
California State Payroll System Project