July 15, 2021

Leave Accounting Letter #21-008: Union Release Time Bank Donation BU 06, 07, AND 08

Leave Accounting Letter #21-008: Union Release Time Bank Donation BU 06, 07, AND 08  has been published on the State Controller's Office (SCO) website located at: http://www.sco.ca.gov/ppsd_sco_letters.html.  You can go directly to this letter by clicking on the following

address: https://www.sco.ca.gov/Files-PPSD-Letters/Clas/L21-008.pdf.

Please direct your questions to the appropriate contact(s) listed in the Leave Accounting Letter.

For your information, the State Human Resources Departments link on the SCO website offers various personnel/payroll related tools and resources. This information is located at: http://www.sco.ca.gov/ppsd_state_hr.html

SCO Key Initiatives:   

Cal Employee Connect Project   

California State Payroll System Project  

Departmental Actions for Collective Bargaining Unit Changes Effective July 1, 2021

Action Required by Department: Share the following information with all departmental human resources (HR) employees.

Description: Per CalHR Pay Letter #21-18 and #21-19 and Exempt Pay Letters dated 07/07/21 and 07/14/21, the Personnel and Payroll Services Division (PPSD) processed several Employment History (EH) mass updates with 350, GEN and SAL transactions.  This is a reminder of the actions Departments must take to ensure employees’ records are correct, per instructions in SCO Personnel Letter #21-011, #21-012 and the referenced CalHR Pay letters.

Special EH Documentation/Processing Instructions

In the case where an employee is eligible to receive both a GSI and SSA, the GEN must be keyed before the SAL.

Note: When keying retroactive corrections, if PAR item 321 is not an open field, then the PAR package must be sent to PPSD for keying.

Departments are responsible for keying GEN transactions effective 07/01/2021 for eligible employees in alternate range 7, as well as SAL transactions for eligible employees in LEAP class code 4687, BU13 and BU16.

Disability/Military Leave

Departments must manually identify and update records for employees on Disability or Military leave at the time of the mass update for 350, GEN and SAL transactions.

Note: If an employee was (1) placed on disability or military prior to 07/01/2021, (2) and the PLP was removed, and (3) the employee has no other EIDs, then the 350 effective 07/01/2021 should be voided (not corrected).

Separated Employees

If the separation was effective 07/01/2021 or after, and was keyed prior to the mass update, departments must (1) process a 350 transaction to remove the PLP, and (2) correct Employment History to current date.

Note: Line item 962 must be corrected (to reflect the correct salary rate) or removed if the 962 code is no longer applicable.

Plus Salary

Departments must manually identify and update the records of employees who have a plus salary.

Lump Sum

Departments must identify separated employees entitled to the GEN/SAL transactions.  And of those employees, those who separated from state service without fault prior to the effective date of the salary increase with lump sum pay extending beyond 07/01/2021 and who were eligible for the GEN/SAL at the time of the separation, should have their lump sum adjusted to reflect the salary increase by submitting a 215 transaction to PPSD.


Once an employee’s EH record is updated for the 350 transaction, the 07/01/2021 effective date transaction may create an out-of-sequence condition.  Departments must correct any out-of-sequence transaction(s) that occur in order to prevent incorrect payments.  If the out-of-sequence transaction involves two departments, then send the PAR package to PPSD for processing. Please see Personnel Action Manual (PAM), Section 9 for further processing information.

Once the GEN and SAL transactions are posted to an employee’s EH record, any new out-of-sequence transaction must have the prior salary rate entered, if the field is open and allowable on the transaction.  If not entered, the new salary rate information per the GEN and SAL transactions will be reflected on the new transaction and could cause an overpayment and incorrect EH record.  See PAM Section 9 for further processing information.

Per DPA rule 599.689, MSA/SIS transactions with a 07/01/2021 effective date must be posted prior to the GEN and SAL, if applicable.  Departments must key the GSI Code O on the MSA/SIS transaction to reflect the prior salary rate.  Failure to enter the GSI Code O could result in an incorrect base salary rate and/or anniversary date.

Population Affected: All HR Offices.


Statewide Customer Contact Center (916) 372-7200

HR Suggestions Email (All HR Staff) PPSDHRSuggestions@sco.ca.gov

CS Escalation Email (HR Supervisors and Managers) PPSDOps@sco.ca.gov

Cal Employee Connect Email connecthelp@sco.ca.gov

Cal Employee Connect Feedback Email connectfeedback@sco.ca.gov

SCO Key Initiatives:

Cal Employee Connect Project

California State Payroll System Project