January 4, 2024
Mobius View Currently Unavailable
Action Required by Department: Share the following information with all departmental human resources (HR) offices.
Date Incident Identified: January 4, 2024
Description: Mobius View is currently unavailable. We are working to get the issue resolved as soon as possible. We apologize if this has caused you any inconvenience and appreciate your patience. We will send an update as soon as the issue has been resolved.
Status: Pending
Date Incident to be Resolved: To be Determined
Population Affected: All HR Offices
Access to Mobius View has been Restored
Action Required by Department: Share the following information with all departmental human resources (HR) offices.
Date Incident Identified: January 4, 2024
Description: Access to Mobius View has been restored and is now available.
Status: Closed
Date Incident to be Resolved: January 4, 2024
Population Affected: All HR Offices
Training Course Vacancy – Enroll Now!
Description: The Personnel and Payroll Services Division (PPSD), Statewide Training Program has course availability for the following classes and dates:
Course Number | Course Name | Session Dates | #Vacancies |
PPSD020 | Virtual PAR Documentation | 01/23 | 26 |
PPSD020 | Virtual PAR Documentation | 01/30 | 26 |
PPSD026 | Virtual Corrective Actions | 01/10 | 29 |
PPSD026 | Virtual Corrective Actions | 01/17 | 27 |
PPSD026 | Virtual Corrective Actions | 01/24 | 25 |
PPSD027 | Virtual Fundamentals of Personnel: Qualifying Pay Periods, Sick Leave, and Vacation | 01/11 | 21 |
PPSD027 | Virtual Fundamentals of Personnel: Qualifying Pay Periods, Sick Leave, and Vacation | 01/18 | 26 |
PPSD027 | Virtual Fundamentals of Personnel: Qualifying Pay Periods, Sick Leave, and Vacation | 01/25 | 24 |
PPSD027 | Virtual Fundamentals of Personnel: Qualifying Pay Periods, Sick Leave, and Vacation | 02/08 | 28 |
PPSD030 | Introduction to Salary Determinations: Level I | 01/10 | 17 |
PPSD030 | Introduction to Salary Determinations: Level I | 01/17 | 22 |
PPSD030 | Introduction to Salary Determinations: Level I | 01/27 | 24 |
Please contact your department’s Training Coordinator for any cancellations or changes to your enrollment.
Training Coordinators can enroll employees in courses here.
Visit our eLearning page for additional learning opportunities here.
Please contact PPSDTraining@sco.ca.gov if you have any questions or feedback.
Population Affected: All HR Transaction Units