February 16, 2016

Improving Affordability and Access to Health Care – Pay Differential 440 

Action Required: Share the following information with all human resources (HR) office employees.

Description: Please follow the directions below in order for the State Controller’s Office (SCO) to update the Improving Affordability and Access to Health Care – Pay Differential 440 automated payment process.

  • Career Executive Assignment (CEA) positions - 7500 class code tied to Bargaining Unit (BU) 06 and BU 07 are not eligible to receive pay differential 440 and are excluded by a Social Security Number (SSN) exclusion list within the automated payment program. 
    • The SSN exclusion list needs to be updated, and all current data will be deleted on February 26th, 2024.
    • For the February 2024 pay period payments, each agency will need to send an email to Arlene Bailey at abailey@sco.ca.gov, with the following information to exclude CEA employees not eligible for the pay differential by February 28th, 2024:
      • Employee name
      • Position number
      • Last four (4) digits of the SSN
    • If this information is not received timely, the CEA will receive a payment when the automated program is executed on March 1, 2024. The agency must follow the return warrant process in Section I 318.10 - 318.20 and Section J 013 in the Personnel Payroll Manual (PPM) if the employee was not eligible for the payment.

Population Affected: All HR Offices

Training Course Vacancy – Enroll Now!

Description: The Personnel and Payroll Services Division (PPSD), Statewide Training Program has course availability for the following classes and dates: 

Course Number Course Name Session Dates #Vacancies
PPSD020 Virtual PAR Documentation 02/27 2
PPSD020 Virtual PAR Documentation 03/05 17
PPSD026 Virtual Corrective Actions 02/28 9
PPSD026 Virtual Corrective Actions 03/13 20
PPSD027 Virtual Fundamentals of Personnel: Qualifying Pay Periods, Sick Leave, and Vacation 02/22 22
PPSD027 Virtual Fundamentals of Personnel: Qualifying Pay Periods, Sick Leave, and Vacation 03/12 22

Please contact your department’s Training Coordinator for any cancellations or changes to your enrollment.

Training Coordinators can enroll employees in courses here.

Visit our eLearning page for additional learning opportunities here.

Please contact PPSDTraining@sco.ca.gov if you have any questions or feedback. 

Population Affected: All HR Transaction Units