December 2, 2021

Extended Keying Calendar – December 2021

Action Required by Department: Share the following information with all human resources (HR) office employees.

Description: The State Controller's Office (SCO) has posted the Extended Keying Calendar for December 2021.

Population Affected:  All HR Offices


Affordable Care Act (ACA) Email

Cal Employee Connect Feedback Email

Cal Employee Connect Email 

California Leave Accounting System (CLAS) Email

ConnectHR Email

CS Escalation Email (HR Supervisors and Managers) 

HR Suggestions Email (All HR Staff) 

Management Information Retrieval System (MIRS) Email  

Statewide Customer Contact Center (916) 372-7200  

SCO Key Initiatives:  

Cal Employee Connect Project 

California State Payroll System Project

Follow Up: Retired Annuitant Late Fee Notices

Action Required by Department:  Share the following information with all human resources (HR) and accounting office employees.

Description:  The State Controller’s Office (SCO) and California Public Employees' Retirement System (CalPERS) have received a high volume of inquiries from departments and campuses that have received Retired Annuitant Late Fee Notices for the September 2021 pay period, dated November 1, 2021.  Retired Annuitant Late Fee Notices are generated when payroll for Retired Annuitants is posted to my|CalPERS past the payroll due date, which is 30 days following the end of the applicable pay period. 

SCO submits a file at the conclusion of each pay period with payroll information for active employees, as well as active Retired Annuitants.  While researching the root cause of the unexpected fee letters, SCO and CalPERS discovered that the September RA hours were not included on the file submitted at the conclusion of the September pay period on October 7th, but rather on the file submitted on November 4th.   As a result, the payroll transactions for this population were posted to my|CalPERS on November 11, 2021, which is past the due date of October 30, 2021.  This caused the Retired Annuitant Late Fee Notices to automatically generate for the impacted Retired Annuitants.  SCO and CalPERS are working toward a resolution that ensures that RA hours are included in the appropriate file going forward.

CalPERS is continuing to request that departments and campuses retain the letters but hold off on paying the invoice.  Pending a resolution, SCO is requesting a fee waiver for all impacted departments and campuses, as well as refunds for departments and campuses that have paid their invoices.  SCO will follow up with additional information as soon as it is available.

Please contact the Statewide Customer Contact Center at (916) 372-7200 with any questions.

Previous Communications on this Subject:

Circular Letter #200-049-21 ( Retired Annuitant Late Enrollment and Payroll Reporting Fees

Broadcast Email - November 18, 2021: Retired Annuitant Late Fee Notices


Affordable Care Act (ACA) Email

Cal Employee Connect Feedback Email

Cal Employee Connect Email 

California Leave Accounting System (CLAS) Email

ConnectHR Email

CS Escalation Email (HR Supervisors and Managers) 

HR Suggestions Email (All HR Staff) 

Management Information Retrieval System (MIRS) Email  

Statewide Customer Contact Center (916) 372-7200  

SCO Key Initiatives:  

Cal Employee Connect Project 

California State Payroll System Project