December 27, 2021
2021 Lump Sum Separation - Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) and Reminders
Action Required by Department: Share the following information with all human resources (HR) office employees.
Description: The Personnel and Payroll Operations Bureau (PPOB) would like to share the following FAQs, important date reminders, procedures, and tools available as resources when preparing to submit the Personnel Action Request (PAR) document for Lump Sum Separations.
FAQS: Below are the top four questions the Statewide Customer Contact Center (SCCC) representatives receive.
Question (Q): I submitted a separation PAR to SCO, and I need to make a correction. What do I need to do?
Answer (A):
1. If the PAR has not been processed by SCO, the following PAR items can be changed over the phone: PAR Items 215, 603, 606, 607, 620, 625, 630, 635, 636, 710, 888, 962, and line Item 10. To correct one of these items over the phone, contact the Statewide Customer Contact Center (SCCC) at (916) 372-7200, select option # 2 for Civil Service, and then #2 for Civil Service Audits.
2. If the PAR has not been processed by SCO, and the PAR item to be changed is not listed above, please contact the SCCC and select option #2 for Civil Service and #2 for Civil Service Audits to request the PAR be canceled and a new PAR can be submitted.
Q: How do I resubmit a corrected PAR?
A: All corrected PARs must be resubmitted using the ConnectHR portal unless otherwise instructed by a Civil Service Audits representative. Please do not send corrected PARs to the Escalation Email box these do not meet the escalation email guidelines.
Q: Whom do I contact for assistance with PAR documentation?
A: Contact the SCCC and select option #2 for Civil Service, then #2 for Civil Service Audits.
Q: I have a question about the lump sum payment(s)/Savings Plus contribution amount(s) that was issued for my employee. Whom do I contact?
A: Contact the SCCC and select option #2 for Civil Service, then #4 for Payroll.
For a complete FAQ, please visit the 2021 Lump Sum Separation FAQ.
Before submitting Lump-Sum packages to the State Controller’s Office (SCO), HR offices must check PAR’s for accuracy, use the lump sum calculator, and cancel the employee’s direct deposit.
Lump-Sum Sum Separation PARs with a separation effective date of November 1, 2021, through December 31, 2021, are required to be submitted to SCO on a flow basis. See the dates below to allow SCO adequate time to process incoming separations. PAR packages received by SCO after the dates specified could result in charges assessed by CalHR to the agency as stated in section 1802 of the CalHR Manual and a corrected W-2 for the 2021 tax year. PARs submitted after the dates above may risk late processing resulting in agencies incurring underfunded Savings Plus account penalty fees.
1st tax year PARs with a separation effective date of November or December must be received by 12/10/2021 (passed).
2nd tax year PARs with a November separation effective date must be received by 12/27/2021
2nd tax year PARs with a December separation effective date must be received by 01/14/2022
Agencies must submit separate PAR packages for 1st and 2nd tax year lump sum PARs.
If an employee is deferring into a 457 Roth, HR offices may use the paycheck calculator to estimate the employee’s lump-sum payout. Further, agencies that receive a PSD (personnel services division) 40 error notice from the Civil Service (CS) Audits program regarding a PAR that was submitted must correct all errors within one business day. Failure to respond timely will result in the PAR package being canceled.
Important: HR related processing errors may be subject to underfunded Savings Plus penalties if the separation and deferral is delayed and violates California Labor Code Sections 201(b) and 202(b).
Resources: Lump-Sum Separation Toolkit for additional information and PAR package samples.
Population Affected: All HR Offices.
Affordable Care Act (ACA) Email
Cal Employee Connect Email
Cal Employee Connect Feedback Email
California Leave Accounting System (CLAS) Email
ConnectHR Email (All HR Staff)
ConnectHR Feedback Email (All HR Staff)
CS Escalation Email (HR Supervisors and Managers)
HR Suggestions Email (All HR Staff)
Management Information Retrieval System (MIRS) Email
Statewide Customer Contact Center (916) 372-7200
SCO Key Initiatives:
Cal Employee Connect Project
California State Payroll System Project
State Employees
2022 Paycheck Calculator
Action Required by Department: Share with civil service human resources (HR) office employees.
Description: The 2022 Paycheck Calculator is now available on the State Controller’s Office (SCO) website.
In our ongoing effort to communicate new products and services, the 2022 Paycheck Calculator was released with the effective date of January 1, 2022. It should be referred to when performing calculations for pay issued no earlier than January 1, 2022.
Population Affected: All HR Offices
Affordable Care Act (ACA) Email
Cal Employee Connect Email
Cal Employee Connect Feedback Email
California Leave Accounting System (CLAS) Email
ConnectHR Email (All HR Staff)
ConnectHR Feedback Email (All HR Staff)
CS Escalation Email (HR Supervisors and Managers)
HR Suggestions Email (All HR Staff)
Management Information Retrieval System (MIRS) Email
Statewide Customer Contact Center (916) 372-7200
SCO Key Initiatives:
Cal Employee Connect Project
California State Payroll System Project
State Employees
Statewide Civil Service Disability Program - 2022 Industrial Disability Leave Supplementation Calculator
Action Required by Department: Share with civil service human resources (HR) office employees.
Description: The Statewide Civil Service Disability Program – 2022 Industrial Disability Leave (IDL) Supplementation Calculator is now available on the State Controller’s Office (SCO) website.
In our ongoing effort to communicate new products and services, the 2022 IDL Supplementation Calculator was released with the effective date of January 1, 2022. It should be referred to when performing calculations for pay issued no earlier than January 1, 2022.
Population Affected: All HR Offices
Affordable Care Act (ACA) Email
Cal Employee Connect Email
Cal Employee Connect Feedback Email
California Leave Accounting System (CLAS) Email
ConnectHR Email (All HR Staff)
ConnectHR Feedback Email (All HR Staff)
CS Escalation Email (HR Supervisors and Managers)
HR Suggestions Email (All HR Staff)
Management Information Retrieval System (MIRS) Email
Statewide Customer Contact Center (916) 372-7200
SCO Key Initiatives:
Cal Employee Connect Project
California State Payroll System Project