April 30, 2021

Payroll Flyers and Global Messages

Action Required by Department: Share the following information with all employees. 
Description: Payroll Flyers and Global Messages are now available on the State Controller's Office website.  
Population Affected: All Human Resources (HR) Offices

Statewide Customer Contact Center (916) 372-7200 

HR Suggestions Email (All HR Staff) PPSDHRSuggestions@sco.ca.gov

CS Escalation Email (HR Supervisors and Managers)  PPSDOps@sco.ca.gov

Cal Employee Connect Email connecthelp@sco.ca.gov

Cal Employee Connect Feedback Email connectfeedback@sco.ca.gov

SCO Key Initiatives:
Cal Employee Connect
CalATERS Replacement Project
California State Payroll System Project

Extended Keying – May 2021

Action Required by Department: Share the following information with all human resources (HR) office employees. 
Description: The State Controller's Office (SCO) is extending the keying hours for May 2021. This is in response to the COVID-19  emergency, which may have resulted in workforce changes in departments. Please view the Extended Keying Calendar for the most up to date information. 
Population Affected:  All HR Offices
Statewide Customer Contact Center (916) 372-7200 
HR Suggestions Email (All HR Staff) PPSDHRSuggestions@sco.ca.gov
CS Escalation Email (HR Supervisors and Managers)  PPSDOps@sco.ca.gov
Cal Employee Connect Email connecthelp@sco.ca.gov
Cal Employee Connect Feedback Email connectfeedback@sco.ca.gov
SCO Key Initiatives:  
Cal Employee Connect Project 
CalATERS Replacement Project 
California State Payroll System Project

Employment History Mass Update – CalPERS PEPRA Account Codes and CalPERS Enrollment Level Indicator

Action Required by Department: Share the following information with all human resources (HR) office employees. 
Description: The State Controller’s Office (SCO) will process an employment history (EH) mass update after close of business today, 04/30/21 to assign the CalPERS Enrollment Level.  The R01 transaction will be posted in Employee History, effective 05/01/2021 for active Civil Service and California State University employees to populate the E-LVL field with the appropriate Classic or Public Employees’ Pension Reform Act (PEPRA) code, based on the employee’s Enrollment Level field in myCalPERS.  For Civil Service employees, if an employee is assigned a PEPRA CalPERS Enrollment Level then they will also be assigned a new PEPRA account code within the R01 transaction. The R01 transaction, effective 05/01/21 will produce turnaround Payroll Action Requests (PARs) that will be printed and distributed by 05/21/2021.  Please wait until this allotted distribution time before requesting a turnaround PAR through the EH system.   
Please refer Personnel Letter #21-009 for additional information and special processing instructions.  
Population Affected: All HR Offices
Statewide Customer Contact Center (916) 372-7200 
HR Suggestions Email (All HR Staff) PPSDHRSuggestions@sco.ca.gov
CS Escalation Email (HR Supervisors and Managers)  PPSDOps@sco.ca.gov
Cal Employee Connect Email connecthelp@sco.ca.gov
Cal Employee Connect Feedback Email connectfeedback@sco.ca.gov
SCO Key Initiatives: 
Cal Employee Connect Project
CalATERS Replacement Project
California State Payroll System Project

Payroll Procedures Manual (PPM): Sections H, N

Sections H and N of the Payroll Procedures Manual (PPM) are updated.  Areas of revision are noted by the revised date on the Table of Contents page at the beginning of the section, and by the revision date within the subtitle of each section.
A comprehensive Revision Chart is located at: www.sco.ca.gov/ppsd_ppm_revisions.html.
You can print a copy of the PPM by accessing the State Controller’s Office website at: www.sco.ca.gov/ppsd_ppm.html.
For instructions to subscribe or unsubscribe to the Email Subscription Distribution List, go to: www.sco.ca.gov/ppsd_email.html.
If you have any comments or suggestions regarding formatting or revising the PPM, please complete the “PAM/PPM Revisions Request Form” located here: http://www.sco.ca.gov/Files-PPSD/PPM/PAM_and_PPM_Revisions_Request_Form.pdf