CalATERS Project Team
The CalATERS Team is committed to providing the highest level of customer support necessary to ensure a smooth transition to CalATERS. Descriptions of the CalATERS Project Team roles are provided below.
Implementation Consultant
Departments implementing CalATERS are assigned an Implementation Consultant to assist during the implementation process. The Implementation Consultant works with the Department Coordinator to ensure a smooth transition to CalATERS.
Systems Analysts
During implementation CalATERS technical staff are available to assist departments and answer questions related to the technical implementation of CalATERS, including system table and interface development.
CalATERS Trainers
During implementation, CalATERS training is provided for accounting staff who will have administrative responsibility for CalATERS. During the training class department staff will learn about CalATERS roles, privileges and system workflow, as well as how to create, submit and approve travel advance and expense reimbursement forms.
CalATERS Help Desk
The CalATERS help desk is available participating departments to assist with the questions or issues related to the CalATERS application. The CalATERS help desk is available Monday through Friday, 8:00am - 4:00pm.