image of Controller Cohen at her inauguration
Controller Malia M. Cohen
Shaping California’s future through best-in-class financial management to foster equity and economic growth.
California returns over 1 million dollar plusdaily to those who file Unclaimed Property claims. Could some be yours?
13 billion dollarsIn lost assets and money
373 million dollar plus returned in FY22/23
California's Checkbook

Open FI$Cal data provides the public with the opportunity to explore how California’s tax dollars are at work for them. Currently, the site includes data from 153 departments that use FI$Cal, as well as 31 departments that are deferred or exempt from using FI$Cal for their accounting. This represents about 76% of California’s budgetary expenditures. 

Explore Spending at OpenFI$Cal

Image of OpenFiscal graph with link to the OpenFiscal application
Personnel Services
Controller’s Office Programs and Resources
Financials and Audits
Connect with Malia Cohen



Video clip showing the Controller during an Unclaimed Property event. No audio available.