Claim Processing For Investigators

How long does it take to process a claim?

We will make every effort to process your claim in a timely manner. Due to the large volume of claims being processed, the law allows up to 180 days from the date that we receive a complete claim package to review all documentation and decide whether the documentation supports the claim. Investigator claims are generally processed within 180 days. After the claim is approved, additional time is required for payment of claims involving securities as we must research the corporate activity (such as corporate mergers, acquisitions, stock splits, or dividends) that may affect the value of the security. Please allow us an additional 120 days to one year to complete this research.

The State Controller's Office now offers an online system where you can check the status of an unclaimed property claim you have already submitted. If your claim information does not appear in our system immediately, we have not processed it yet. Please allow approximately 60 days from the date you mailed your claim package for processing before checking the status of your claim. 

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How will I be notified when a claim has been approved?

For Cash Claims

The Claimant and the Investigator will each receive a warrant (state check) for the claim per the percentages assigned in the Standard Investigator Agreement. The claimant's warrant is mailed to the mailing address noted on the Claim Affirmation Form. The investigator’s warrant is mailed to the current address on file when the investigator registered with the State Controller’s Office. 

For Security Claims

Please see If my payment is in shares...?

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What happens when more than one Investigator files a claim for the same property?

Occasionally, more than one Investigator submits a claim on behalf of a claimant for the same unclaimed property account. When this occurs, we will process the claim that was received first and contracted first. In all other instances, we will notify all parties in writing of the competing claims. The claimant is then required to choose which claim to process and communicate that decision to the State Controller’s Office via a Competing Claim Designation Letter provided by the State Controller's Office. 

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What happens when a Claimant and an Investigator file a claim for the same property?

Occasionally an Investigator service and an Unclaimed Property Owner submit a claim package for the same unclaimed property account. If we receive a claim for property from both the owner and from the Investigator, we will process the claim that was received first and contracted first. In all other instances, we will notify all parties in writing of the competing claims. The claimant is then required to choose which claim to process and communicate that decision to the State Controller’s Office via a Competing Claim Designation Letter provided by the State Controller's Office.

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