Controller's Data Websites Promote Government Transparency
The Controller’s transparency team has developed tools for Californians to do their own analyses of government spending.

The Controller offers three easy-to-use data sites to help people learn more about the spending and accounting of taxpayer dollars at the state and local level.
Government Compensation in California
Includes pay information for public employee positions in cities, counties, special districts, state agencies, Superior Courts, First 5 Commissions, Fairs and Expositions, K-12 education providers, University of California, California State University, California Community Colleges, legislators, and state elected officials. Visit the site
Track Prop 55
Track every dollar raised by Proposition 55 for public schools, where it was allocated, how it will be spent, and whether it was used in accordance with the law. Visit the site
Government Financial Reports
Created with the public and researchers in mind, this site puts 12 years of detailed financial data from 58 California counties and more than 450 cities at your fingertips. Also included is 11 years of pension-related information for state and local government pension plans. Visit the site