October 16, 2023
Affordable Care Act – 2020 Form 1095-C Corrections Process Complete
Action Required: Share the following information with Civil Service human resources (HR) office employees.
Description: The State Controller’s Office has completed the Affordable Care Act (ACA) Form 1095-C corrections process for the 2020 reporting year. Any employee or worker who had a change to their health benefit status or hours worked in 2020, may receive the following:
- A corrected 2020 Form 1095-C
- A newly issued 2020 Form 1095-C
- A letter voiding their previously issued 2020 Form 1095-C
For questions regarding the Form 1095-C corrections distribution, replacement, or any other inquiries related to ACAS, please contact ACA Online Support by emailing ACASupport@sco.ca.gov.
Population Affected: All HR Offices