November 8, 2023

Payroll Letter #23-021: DIRECT MAILING OF 2023 W-2 AND 1095-C FORMS AND RETURN ADDRESS ON THE FORMS TO EMPLOYEES has been published on the State Controller's Office (SCO) website located at:

You can go directly to this letter by clicking on the following address:

Please direct your questions to the appropriate contact(s) listed in the Payroll Letter.

For your information, the State Human Resources Departments link on the SCO website offers various personnel/payroll related tools and resources.  This information is located at:

PPSD Customer Contact Center Intermittent Audio Challenges

Action Required by Department: Share the following information with all departmental human resources (HR) office employees.

Date Incident Identified: November 8, 2023

Description: The Personnel and Payroll Services Division (PPSD), Statewide Customer Contact Center is currently experiencing intermittent audio challenges with its phone lines. We are working to get the issue resolved as soon as possible. We will send an update as soon as the issue has been resolved. 

Status: Unresolved

Date Incident to be Resolved: To be Determined

Population Affected: All HR Offices

Payroll Letter #23-022: FINAL UPDATE FOR TEMPORARY CANCELLATION OF DEFAULT STUDENT LOAN GARNISHMENTS has been published on the State Controller's Office (SCO) website located at:

You can go directly to this letter by clicking on the following address:

Please direct your questions to the appropriate contact(s) listed in the Payroll Letter.

For your information, the State Human Resources Departments link on the SCO website offers various personnel/payroll related tools and resources.  This information is located at:

Transaction Specialists' Educational Forum– Special Edition– December 2023- Registration 

Action Required by Department: Please share the following information with all human resources (HR) personnel, payroll, and benefits specialist staff.

Description: You are invited to a Special Edition of the Transaction Specialists’ Educational Forum to be held in December. The following topics are going to be presented:

  1. CalPERS Reciprocal Self-Certification Form—Update to the HR Submission Process
  2. SCO Salary Adjustments—Mass Updates Processing

See details below:

  • DATE: December 7, 2023
  • TIME: 9:00 AM to 10:30 AM
  • REGISTRATION: To attend this forum, please register here. You will receive a confirmation email with your meeting invite to add to your calendar.
  • If you are unfamiliar with the Microsoft Teams platform you can access tutorials here or reach out to with any questions you may have.
  • QUESTIONS: If you have a question in regards to the topics presented that you would like answered at the forum, please submit it here by November 27, 2023. We will do our best to answer your question at the forum.