February 1, 2024
Personnel Letter #24-002: JULY 1, 2023 GENERAL SALARY INCREASE – EMPLOYEES WITH INCORRECT ROUNDING FOR MSA/SIS has been published on the State Controller's Office (SCO) website located at: http://www.sco.ca.gov/ppsd_sco_letters.html. You can go directly to this letter by clicking on the following address: https://sco.ca.gov/Files-PPSD-Letters/Pers/2024_e24-002.pdf.
Please direct your questions to the appropriate contact(s) listed in the Personnel Letter.
For your information, the State Human Resources Departments link on the SCO website offers various personnel/payroll related tools and resources. This information is located at: http://www.sco.ca.gov/ppsd_state_hr.html.
Cal Employee Connect: W-2 Paperless Feature Open for Enrollment
Action Required: Share the following information with all employees.
Description: The “W-2 Paperless Statement” feature enrollment period is now open on CEC). This feature is available annually for employees to “opt-in” from February 1 to November 30.
Employees who “opt-in" to the “W-2 Paperless Statement” feature will be able to view and download their current and previous Form W-2 Wage and Tax Statement (Form W-2) using any internet-connected device. It will also grant them earlier access to their next year’s Form W-2 than those employees who receive the printed version in the mail.
The “W-2 Paperless Statement” option will help reduce or minimize potentially higher future printing and mailing costs moving forward. In addition to these savings, the following benefits could also be realized:
- Eco-Friendly by reducing unnecessary paper usage
- Minimize the potential for mail theft
- Negate the time to request and receive a duplicate statement
- Expedite the scheduling and filing of tax returns Please encourage employees to log into their Cal Employee Connect (CEC) account and “opt-in” to “W-2 Paperless Statement” today!
If you have questions, need assistance, or would like to share some feedback, please visit CEC Help & Feedback.
Population Affected: All HR Offices