
Online training courses available to Human Resources staff.

Statewide Training is committed to supporting a successful employee learning experience through the delivery of relevant training in the most effective and efficient method for conveying critical job knowledge and skills.

We are pleased to add eLearning to our current course offerings.                                   

As we continue to broaden our development and delivery of training, we actively encourage you to let us know how we are doing. Your participation and feedback help us determine which statewide training needs are most critical, so we can plan accordingly.            

To offer your comments or feedback please contact us at ppsdtraining@sco.ca.gov

Please Note:  To begin any of the eLearning classes, please click on course link below. For the full eLearning experience, please maximize your browser window and enable pop-ups. 

New eLearning Modules click here

Lump Sum Separation Process eLearning Series click here

W-4 / EAR eLearning

eLearning Classroom Reinforcers

The purpose of this training is to provide an additional resource for personnel employees to reference the information necessary to accurately determine qualifying pay periods for full-time and fractional time-based employees per California Code of Regulations (CCR) 599.608. Qualifying pay periods for intermittent employees are addressed in the CCR 599.609 - Qualifying Monthly Pay Period for Hourly and Daily Rate Employees training.

eLearning Modules for Personnel Specialists

The purpose of this training is to help you determine the correct retirement account code for keying Item 505 on the Personnel Action Request (PAR) and to create awareness of regulatory legislation and supporting documentation.

Closed Caption version: http://cacontrollers.adobeconnect.com/poajfwu63fhw/

Printable Version:  http://cacontrollers.adobeconnect.com/p94tksp3wvwb/

Garnishments Documentation Online Training