Search for Unclaimed Property
Controller Malia M. Cohen safeguards this lost or forgotten property for as long as it takes to reunite it with the rightful owners.

The Unclaimed Property Division is experiencing significantly higher than expected claims volume. Because claims process in the order received, additional time may be needed to acknowledge receipt, evaluate, and approve your claim for payment. Help avoid delays with your claim by including all required documentation. We appreciate your patience while we work to resolve this issue.
California’s Unclaimed Property Law requires financial institutions, insurance companies, corporations, businesses, and certain other entities to report and submit their customers’ property to the State Controller’s Office when there has been no activity for a period of time (generally three years). Common types of unclaimed property include but are not limited to: bank accounts, stocks, uncashed checks, insurance benefits, wages, and safe deposit box contents. Property does not include real estate.
Controller Malia M. Cohen safeguards this lost or forgotten property for as long as it takes to reunite it with the rightful owners. There is no deadline for claiming property once it is transferred over to the State Controller’s Office and no fee associated with claiming your property.