Press Releases

CA Controller Applauds State Supreme Court for Support of Affordable Housing

(916) 445-2636

SACRAMENTO — State Controller Betty T. Yee today issued the following statement regarding the California Supreme Court decision in California Building Industry Association v. City of San Jose (Affordable Housing Network of Santa Clara County), which confirmed the right of cities and counties to require developers to set aside units that are affordable for low- to moderate-income residents:


“I am heartened by the court’s decision that reinforces the shared responsibility of housing affordability. The average California house now costs $440,000 – more than twice the national average – and continually outpaces many household incomes in the state. If people cannot afford to live in California, no one can expect California to continue leading the nation in economic performance. In my work with the California Tax Credit Allocation Committee, I am committed to helping limited-income Californians find safe and reasonably priced housing options wherever they want to live and work.”