Press Releases

Controller Releases 2013 Special District Payroll Data

Contact: JOHN HILL

SACRAMENTO – State Controller Betty T. Yee announced today that her public employee compensation website has been updated to include salaries of special district workers in 2013.

“Special districts in a sense are the most local form of government,” Controller Yee said, “so our new data should be of interest to communities that want to track the use of taxpayer dollars close to home.”

The website now includes five full years of data for special districts and for other local governments, including 58 counties and more than 450 cities. Special districts are local agencies formed for a specific service, such as health care, public transit, recreation, irrigation, fire protection, or cemetery maintenance. The new data which is unaudited, includes the salaries of 132,854 positions in 2,900 special districts, adding up to $6.43 billion in wages in 2013.

For this update, 98.6 percent of special districts submitted data on time. Forty-one districts did not file on time, while another five provided incomplete records. See a list of non-compliant special districts here.

Overall, the public employee compensation website——now contains information on more than 2 million positions with $369 billion in wages and almost $100 billion in total benefits paid from 2009 through 2013. In addition to local governments, the database includes salaries for most state employees, nearly 100 higher education providers, more than 600 school districts and other K-12 entities, 58 superior courts, 51 First Five commissions, and 35 fairs and expositions.

The site offers maps, search functions, and custom report-building tools. It allows users to download raw data for their own research. Since its launch in 2010, the website has registered more than 8.2 million page views.
