Press Releases

Controller Betty T. Yee Responds to Governor’s State of the State Address


SACRAMENTO – State Controller Betty T. Yee today issued the following response to Governor Jerry Brown’s State of the State Address:

“Congratulations to Governor Brown on his unprecedented fourth term.  His fiscal discipline, years of experience and insights have served the State well.

“I applaud his focus on the continuing and repeated nature of problems exacerbated by short-term, quick-fix initiatives.  The Governor’s emphasis on core issues – schools, health, infrastructure and water – is welcome as California continues to make headway on some of its long-term financial obligations.

”I welcome his continued attention to the state’s fiscal condition and to paying-down our cash deficits.  As Controller, I am especially concerned about ensuring timely payment of our bills and tax refunds.  By reversing some of the more egregious cash strategies adopted in recent years, the Governor improves our ability to weather cash shortfalls in the future.

“The State’s improving fiscal condition is welcome news.  The Governor, Legislature and voters deserve much credit for bringing revenues and expenditures into alignment.  We know that this alignment is fragile, and I plan on working closely with the Governor and Legislature on issues of critical importance, including comprehensive tax reform, improving the State’s fiscal relationship with local governments and improving pension and retiree health care funding.”
