August 2014 Cash Report Summary Analysis

Revenues for July 2014 totaled $5.4 billion, beating estimates in the 2014-15 Budget Act by $231.9 million, or 4.5 percent.Bottom Line: What the Numbers Mean

California began the new fiscal year with a solid report as revenues exceeded projections, while spending was less than anticipated. As a result, borrowing needs were significantly less in July than had been estimated. Read more and see detailed receipts and disbursements.

Guest Column: The Benefits of Investing in Energy Research and Development

Owing to mounting geopolitical, environmental and economic concerns, investment in research and development (R&D) in the energy sector has become increasingly crucial for sustainability, security and environmental protection. Read more of C.-Y. Cynthia Lin's column.

More on California Fiscal Policy: How Big Is This Year’s General Fund Budget?

After the Governor signed the 2014-15 budget, several commentators declared it the most expensive budget ever. As always, the answer to "how big?" is best answered in the context of "relative to what?" Read more about fiscal policy.

California Job Tracker: August 2014

California reached a major milepost with the release of the latest jobs numbers for June. That month saw the state fully recover all of the jobs lost since the prior peak of July 2007. Nonfarm payrolls are now, in fact, 23,000 above that level at an all-time high. Read more and see the data.

California Economic Snapshot

See recent statistics regarding California new car registrations, the median home price, single-family home sales and employment. Read snapshot numbers.

Follow the Money with Controller's Track Prop. 30 Website

Voters approved Prop. 30 in November 2012 to help California’s public schools, and now Controller John Chiang offers a new data-driven website where users can see where the money went and how it is being spent. Visit to see the measure's impact on your local K-12 and community college districts.