July 2014 Cash Report Summary Analysis
Bottom Line: What the Numbers Mean
California ended the fiscal year in the black for the first time in seven years. Revenues as of June 30 exceeded spending by approximately $4.3 billion, which was enough to pay off the $2.4 billion in outstanding loans carried over from the previous fiscal year and leave the state with a positive cash balance of $1.9 billion. Read more and see detailed receipts and disbursements.
Guest Column: California’s Spring Home buying Season – What Lies Ahead?
There is no doubt that the upbeat expectations for the economy and the housing market in the first half of 2014 have failed to materialize. Read more of Leslie Appleton-Young's column.
More on California Fiscal Policy: Capital Gains Tax Activity Falls for High-Income Taxpayers
Given the recent, heightened interest in the tax impact of capital gains, data published by the Franchise Tax Board may help fiscal analysts assess likely revenues from taxable capital appreciation for 2014-15. Read more about fiscal policy.
California Job Tracker: July 2014
California barely missed recovering all of the jobs lost during the past seven years in May, but seven of its major metropolitan areas have regained all of the jobs lost during the Recession. Read more and see the data.
California Economic Snapshot
See recent statistics regarding California new car registrations, the median home price, single-family home sales and employment. Read snapshot numbers.
Follow the Money with Controller's Track Prop. 30 Website
Voters approved Prop. 30 in November 2012 to help California’s public schools, and now Controller John Chiang offers a new data-driven website where users can see where the money went and how it is being spent. Visit to see the measure's impact on your local K-12 and community college districts.