June 2014 Cash Report Summary Analysis

alt="Revenues for May 2014 totaled $6.7 billion, falling short of estimates in the 2014-15 Governor's Budget by $389.1 million, or 5.5 percent."Bottom Line: What the Numbers Mean

May was disappointing for the State of California’s revenues, with all three major sources of tax receipts falling short of expectations for the month. Relative to projections made by the Department of Finance as part of the Governor’s Budget submitted in January, the State’s top revenue generators were a combined $530 million, or 7.8 percent, below estimates. Read more and see detailed receipts and disbursements.

Guest Column: It's Still All About Jobs

It was a cruel Recession and the naysayers thought that California would never recover. Fortunately, it has turned out much differently.The state is now a whisker away from its pre-Recession employment high after losing 1.33 million jobs during the downturn. Read more of Lynn Reaser's column.

More on California Fiscal Policy: Where is the Growth in Sales Tax Transactions?

Sales tax sales volume has been weaker than expected in recent months. This has been a somewhat surprising result, given the improvement in the State's other major revenues and the economy in general. Read more about fiscal policy.

California Job Tracker: June 2014

Nine of California's major metropolitan areas have recovered all of the jobs lost during the Recession, according to April 2014 nonfarm payroll data. Read more and see the data.

California Economic Snapshot

See recent statistics regarding California new car registrations, the median home price, single-family home sales and employment. Read snapshot numbers.

Follow the Money with Controller's Track Prop. 30 Website

Voters approved Prop. 30 in November 2012 to help California’s public schools, and now Controller John Chiang offers a new data-driven website where users can see where the money went and how it is being spent. Visit to see the measure's impact on your local K-12 and community college districts.