March 2014 Cash Report Summary Analysis

Total revenues in February 2014 were $968.9 million more than expected in the 2014-15 Governor's Budget.Bottom Line: What the Numbers Mean

February was another good month for California's finances. Revenues exceeded estimates contained in the Governor’s new 2014-15 Budget, while disbursements were lower than expected. The latest news mean that California's current borrowing requirements are more than $2.0 billion less than the forecasts revised just two months ago. Read more and see detailed receipts and disbursements.

More on California Fiscal Policy: Expenditure Policy

What's happening with General Fund expenditures? The Governor proposes that State expenditures stay at nearly the same level as they have been for last three years. Read more about fiscal policy.

Guest Column: First-Time Home Buyers at a Disadvantage in California

Intense competition from investors, foreign buyers, and low affordability apparently pushed aside first-time home buyers in California during the market frenzy in 2013. Read more of Gerd-Ulf Krueger's column.

California Economic Snapshot

See recent statistics regarding California new car registrations, the median home price, single-family home sales and employment. Read snapshot numbers.